Many of my students are tennis players. If they practice yoga, they can strengthen their injury-prone joints. Problems with their knees, ankles, shoulders, hips, and wrists are common. But a disciplined yoga practice can help with flexibility and also help a player prepare for a match mentally.
Tennis magazine suggests four asanas for tennis players:
1. Tree pose (vrksasana) to strengthen the legs, open the hips, and improve balance and coordination.
2. Triangle pose (trikonasana) to strengthen and stretch the hamstrings, open the chest, and promote balance.
3. Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II) to strengthen quads, calves, and Achilles' tendons; expand range of motion; and teach you to move from the hips.
4. Spinal twist pose (ardha matsyendransana) to limber hips and shoulder joints and tone and stretch the lumbar spine.
In its May/June 2000 issue, Yoga Journal noted that yoga silences the "inner chatter" and helps
stenghten injury-prone joints.
It highlighted these asanas for courtside yogis:
1. Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II) to develop strength and balance.
2. Chair pose (utkatasana) to create space throughout the ankle and knee joint; lengthen the Achilles' tendons, calves, and spinal column; and firm the abdomen.
3. Bridge pose (setu bandha) to develop a supple back and torso.
4. Handstand (adho mukha vrksana) to build mental and physical focus and agility. (I do not recommend this pose for beginners).
Yoga also helps you prepare mentally for the game of tennis. Former tennis pro Jena Marcovicci says, "Research shows the discipline required for yoga can take you to a state of meditation. It releases endorphins, calms your pulse, and slows your nervous system. That's the zone you want to be in as you walk on the court."
Tennis magazine suggests four asanas for tennis players:
1. Tree pose (vrksasana) to strengthen the legs, open the hips, and improve balance and coordination.
2. Triangle pose (trikonasana) to strengthen and stretch the hamstrings, open the chest, and promote balance.
3. Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II) to strengthen quads, calves, and Achilles' tendons; expand range of motion; and teach you to move from the hips.
4. Spinal twist pose (ardha matsyendransana) to limber hips and shoulder joints and tone and stretch the lumbar spine.
In its May/June 2000 issue, Yoga Journal noted that yoga silences the "inner chatter" and helps
stenghten injury-prone joints.
It highlighted these asanas for courtside yogis:
1. Warrior II pose (virabhadrasana II) to develop strength and balance.
2. Chair pose (utkatasana) to create space throughout the ankle and knee joint; lengthen the Achilles' tendons, calves, and spinal column; and firm the abdomen.
3. Bridge pose (setu bandha) to develop a supple back and torso.
4. Handstand (adho mukha vrksana) to build mental and physical focus and agility. (I do not recommend this pose for beginners).
Yoga also helps you prepare mentally for the game of tennis. Former tennis pro Jena Marcovicci says, "Research shows the discipline required for yoga can take you to a state of meditation. It releases endorphins, calms your pulse, and slows your nervous system. That's the zone you want to be in as you walk on the court."
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