Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jump In, the Water's Fine - Do Yoga to Improve Swimming

Last summer, My daughter started swimming on a competitive swim team. It was her first experience with competitive swimming and we've seen a lot of improvement, but like anything it takes a lot of practice and commitment to really be a great swimmer. It also takes education. Lots of it. Who knew there was so much to learn about swimming? Stroke development, starts, turns, finishes, and what to expect in a swim meet have meant a big learning curve for our whole family. Being a yoga teacher, I decided to take a look at yoga and the benefits it might have for competitive swimmers.

Turns out, yoga is beneficial to swimmers and is used in what swim coaches call "dryland training" which helps complement swimmers' lap swimming and pool workouts. Practicing yoga helps swimmers with flexibility making them less prone to injury. Yoga practice also benefits swimmers with strength-building, proper body alignment, breath control, increased oxygen, concentration and balance.

Flexibility: Keeping you injury-free

Practicing yoga keeps an athlete flexible loosening up tight muscles. “Yoga is key for preventing injuries,” says Kimberly Fowler, founder of YAS Fitness Centers in California and creator of Yoga For Athletes.“I’ve had athletes, like U.S. Olympic hopefuls swimmers Amanda Beard and Keri Hehn and top U.K. hurdler Tasha Danvers, all of whom have amazing training and a team of coaches, trainers and therapists, come up to me and say ‘Wow! This is the first season I didn’t get injured,’” she notes.

Because yoga postures take the body through a full range of motion, muscles are more flexible and supple making them less prone to injury.

In Sims' work with swimmers, she focuses on key body areas and applies some of what she calls "universal principles" of asanas to help them ward off injury and improve performance:

Shoulder Blades: In Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog), shoulder blades need to drop down the back. The same principle applies in swimming, where the shoulders create the biggest problems. Rotator cuff injuries or shoulder tendonitis (also called "swimmer's shoulder") occur when the rhomboids are not held in place when the arm is raised in freestyle stroke. Instead of the muscle carrying the weight of the arm, the tendon bears the burden. Over time the tendon becomes frayed and aggravated.

Hips: Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), with the soles of the feet touching together and the outsides of the knees flat on the floor, demonstrates a healthy external rotation of the hip. For many people, though, the hips remain locked and stiff. In a swimmer, this congestion can manifest in a faulty breaststroke kick. Without free, loose hips, it's difficult to complete this stroke effectively and efficiently.

Ankles: In all of yoga's standing poses, it's important to place the foot on the ground in order to get full extension, and flexible ankles allow the foot to rest solidly on the ground. Similarly, swimmers use the ankles as the foundation of movement—propelling the body forward with a kick. The top of the foot should hit the water as if in Virasana (Hero Pose)—at 180 degrees. Sims will often work with runners who have such severe ankle stiffness that their kick literally pulls them backwards—"like trying to lift a plane off the ground with the flaps down."

Strength Building

Yoga asanas (postures) use body weight as a powerful source of resistance as gravity helps to build strength and muscle. Poses such as chair helps strengthen the glutes, thighs, and back. Plank, standing split, side plank, and half moon help strengthen upper body muscles. Many seated poses including help build core muscle. Practicing asanas can build strength without creating the tightness and bulkiness that can sometimes occur with basic weight training.

Proper Alignment

Along with the benefits of strength building, yoga can help swimmers learn proper body alignment. Leslie Sims, a former national swim coach and a yoga teacher at "now YOGA" and head coach at Club Swim in Los Altos and Palo Alto, California says, "Body alignment, integral to all sports performance, is often thrown off kilter in swimmers. This is due to over development of the front of the body, which occurs from chronic overuse in three of the four basic swim strokes—butterfly, breast, and freestyle. Because a swimmers pectorals are predominantly in a contracted state, the opposing fascia (where muscle attaches to bone) of the rhomboids is weakened. Because the backstroke can counteract some of the repetitive stroke motions that lead to such muscle imbalance, Sims instructs her swim students to perform the backstroke at the end of every workout. Often just doing the backstroke isn't
enough, however."

Breath control/Increased oxygen

Yoga also helps swimmers become much more aware of their breath. Yoga teaches you how to lengthen your breath allowing you to have better control of your breath while calming your nerves before events. You also learn how to lengthen your breath which allows more oxygen to flow into your body.


A series of postures called sun salutations help warm up and stretch out most of the muscles of the body. After practicing them time and time again, a rhythm and a continuous flow develops much like swimming. Because a swimmers mind is clear without distractions, they can focus on the job at hand. Sun Salutations done before a meet can help swimmers with concentration and pre-meet jitters.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3-Part Breath and Concentration: Becoming Aware of Our Own Bodies.

I was talking to a friend recently about how Hatha Yoga and how you can learn to breathe deep and full. Prayanama breath is the term used and basically means "controlling your breath". I like to think of it as becoming aware of your breath and learning to inhale and exhale completely. It focuses the attention on the present moment, and calms and grounds the mind. It also makes you aware of how you might hold your breath more than you realize.

Here is an pranayama exercise you may want to try to get a better idea of what I am saying. Prayanama breath is often done while seated in a comfortable, cross-legged position, but it is also nice to do while lying on the back, particularly at the beginning of your practice. When you are lying down, you can really feel the breath moving through your body as it makes contact with the floor.

1. Come to lie down on the back with the eyes closed, relaxing the face and the body.

2. Begin by observing the natural inhalation and exhalation of your breath without changing anything. If you find yourself distracted by the activity in your mind, try not to engage in the thoughts. Just notice them and then let them go, bringing your attention back to the inhales and the exhales.

3. Then begin to inhale deeply through the nose.

4. On each inhale, fill the belly up with your breath. Expand the belly with air like a balloon.

5. On each exhale, expel all the air out from the belly through your nose. Draw the navel back towards your spine to make sure that the belly is empty of air.

6. Repeat this deep belly breathing for about five breaths.

7. On the next inhale, fill the belly up with air as described above. Then when the belly is full, draw in a little more breath and let that air expand into the rib cage causing the ribs to widen apart.

8. On the exhale, let the air go first from the rib cage, letting the ribs slide closer together, and them from the belly, drawing the navel back towards the spine.

9. Repeat this deep breathing into the belly and rib cage for about five breaths.

10. On the next inhale, fill the belly and rib cage up with air as described above. Then draw in just a little more air and let it fill the upper chest, all the way up to the collarbone, causing the area around the heart (which is called the heart center in yoga), expand and rise.

11. On the exhale, let the breath go first from the upper chest, allowing the heart center sink back down, then from the rib cage, letting the ribs slide closer together. Finally, let the air go from the belly, drawing the navel back towards the spine.

12. You are practicing three-part breath! Continue at your own pace, eventually coming to let the three parts of the breath happen smoothly without pausing.

13. Continue for about 10 breaths.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby and Mommy Yoga Classes Starting Feb. 5th

Many of you know that I teach both adult and children yoga classes. I've been approached by some Hannah Moms asking if I would teach a Baby and Mommy yoga class this year. I wanted to invite you to join me for this new 6-week class in the Family Life Center, Room 305.

Baby and Mommy Yoga Room 305 FLC
Our Class will last 6 Weeks: February 5 - March 12 (Thursdays at 11:00 p.m. - 11:50)

Stretch, bond, and breathe with your baby in this special yoga series designed for new mothers and infants (8 weeks to almost walking). Meet other moms and babies while you strengthen and support post-partum and sleep deprived bodies with specifically chosen asanas and sequences.

Every class will devote time for gentle hands-on yoga and massage for babies; aiding in their digestion and promoting the sleep-wake cycle. Bonding postures and playful songs are also explored. Dress comfortably and bring a receiving blanket for your child.
Caregivers and Dads welcome, too!

$90.00 (Pre-Registration only) 6-week session (Scholarships available)
$20.00 (Walk-in)

Dates: February 5, February 12, February 19, February 26, March 5, March 12.

For registration, email Vickie Reedy at vickievickie@msn.com or call her at 407.230.6915.