Monday, April 28, 2008
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;the courage to change the things I can;and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How Can Yoga help me become a better Listening Leader?
Listening and Yoga have a lot in common.
Take a Deep Breath. Begin to slow your breath down, paying close attention to your inhale and your exhale. Become mindful of the present moment.
Listen to what is going on in your body.Quiet your mind and listen to the sound of your breath.
Accept your limitations. Let go of your ego.
Focus on a still point, balance on one one leg, concentrate. Flexibility is a benefit of yoga.
Strength is a benefit of yoga. Balance is a benefit of yoga.
In yesterday's class, it came into my mind that Listening is a lot like the practice of yoga
First, let me share some quotes on Listening provided by some very great minds:
Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.
--Doug Larson
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer
--Ed Cunningham
"An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart." ---David Augsburger
"I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."
--William Penn
"All children wear the sign: 'I want to be important NOW.' Many of our juvenile delinquency problems arise because nobody reads the sign."
--Dan Pursuit
Listen, or thy tongue will keep thee deaf --Native American Proverb
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
– New Testament James 1:19
Here are the similiarities I've found with effective/empathetic listening and yoga.
With both practices we have to check our egos at the door, no autobiographical listening of any sort allowed.
To become effective listeners, we have to hold our tongues still.
In yoga, it helps to put our tongues on the roof of our mouths while we are holding a balance pose.
We will find that as we become more comfortable with being still and quiet in a yoga class, we can listen more outside of class and let distractions pass without holding onto them.
As we become more flexible in our listening habits, we learn not to pre-judge, jump to conclusions, or rush to provide the "right solution". Yoga class helps us be less judgmental, jump ahead, or rush ourselves into a pose.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Article about Weight Loss and Yoga - What's the Connection?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
10 Top Reasons to Exercise
The 10 Best Reasons to Exercise
Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Keep You Slim and Trim
© Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen
Oct 22, 2007
Some diets or weight loss plans work, but the most compelling fitness or weight loss motivation involves these exercise benefits. Here are the 10 best reasons to exercise
The best reasons to exercise revolve around health benefits. In fact, the single best reason to exercise is to get healthier. Research shows that if you exercise to stay healthy, strong and fit you’re more likely to stick with your exercise regime – and lose weight and stay healthy.
There is no such thing as easy weight loss, but there are some motivators that keep you fit and healthy. Here are the 10 best reasons to exercise, in no particular order.
The 10 Best Reasons to Exercise
Clear skin.
Regular physical activity promotes circulation and sends nutrients to your skin, making breakouts of acne less frequent. Plus, acne breakouts will clear up faster if you’re regularly sending oxygen to your skin. Healthy skin is one of the best reasons to exercise.
Better sleep.As long as you don’t exercise two hours before bed, you’ll get better, deeper sleep if you exercise regularly. A good night's sleep is a great reason to exercise.
Less stress. The more you exercise, the better you’ll cope with anxiety, stress and depression. You’ll enjoy more naturally induced happy, positive feelings (endorphins). That alone is a great reason to exercise.
Delicious food. If you exercise regularly, you can indulge in your favorite gourmet chocolates without feeling guilty. Healthy weight loss will happen if you exercise regularly – and you can enjoy yourself at the same time!
More brain cells. Exercise drives more oxygen to feed your brain, making you think quickly and clearly. Learning new physical activities such as dance or jazzercise builds new connections between your brain cells and helps clear environmental toxins.
More confidence. Not only will you have more confidence in yourself if you exercise regularly, you’ll be perceived as kinder, smarter and more confident. Feeling good about yourself is one of the best reasons to exercise.
Toned, defined muscles. The more you exercise, the stronger and healthier your muscles will become - and the better they'll serve you. It's not all about healthy weight loss: building healthy mass is also an exercise benefit. Feeling toned is a great reason to exercise.
Better sex. Physical activity sends more blood to all parts of your body, making you respond more quickly to sexual activity. You’ll enjoy sex more not only because you’re chasing healthy weight loss – you’re also more confident about your body. Getting satisfied sexually is one of the best reasons to exercise.
Stronger immune system. Regular exercise helps combat free radicals, and you sweat out the toxins that trigger disease and infections. The health benefits of exercise include lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol levels, and a lower heart rate.
More energy. Physical activity is not only an effective weight loss method, it’s also a great way to increase your energy levels. Having energy to enjoy life is probably the best reason to exercise!
The benefits of exercise don’t allow you to eat whatever you want whenever you want, and you’ll have to exercise regularly to maintain the benefits – but it’s worth it. These are good reasons to exercise that will help you the rest of your life.
Monday, April 14, 2008
This is Our Season, Lord
I wrote a poem/prayer about the experience because I wanted to always remember it and I wanted to share my Joy.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Commit to Slow Down
It got me thinking. Why is it so hard for us to put our practice into our daily lives. Do we not realize that we have that discipline within us? All individuals have the responsibility to take care of themselves, right? We can’t think we cannot do it. We have that spark. We are fully equipped. We simply need to discipline ourselves.
We think negatively about discipline. We have a tendency to think of discipline as a prison. Discipline is simply practice.
And once we begin that practice, it will be a part of our day and our lives. Discipline means self-commitment. When we commit ourselves to our progress, then slowly we will find that the spark to continue is within us. The discipline you need to learn this, to slow down and be still is not a discipline you are taught. We’ve been taught to have discipline in areas of work, study, athletics, and competition. But, to follow the path to know God, to be enlightened, to be grounded is not a discipline of which we’ve had much practice.
When we want to go to the deeper levels of our being, stillness is important. In all other journeys you have to move. In this journey you do not have to move at all. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” It is a simple formula, but very difficult to apply. From your childhood onward you are taught to move. Nobody teaches you how to be still. You have to learn not to move. Since it is a completely new undertaking, it seems difficult.
Today, and the next, and the next, let’s take a baby step to “be still”. It will feel awkward at first, or maybe feel like we are wasting precious time. We could be cleaning, making a phone call, writing the next best-seller. But, if we took 14 minutes to stretch or 7 minutes to pray or 3 minutes to slow down, we would still get to work on time, and make the kids their breakfast. We’d have more appreciation for our time if we slowed down. Let’s have the discipline to take a breath, and be in our practice now.
Be Still and Know that I am God – Reflect and grow this thought.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
10 Reasons we Stop Exercising
Here are the top 10 reasons we stop.
10. You really hate to exercise.
The key to happiness is doing things you enjoy.
Find activities that match your personality. If you love the outdoors, go hiking or biking. Try things before you decide you don't like them.
People often quit because they schedule too many workouts, work too hard or don't give themselves enough rest days.
Just do whatever you can--you have to start where you are, not where you want to be.
9. You just hate to start because it seems so overwhelming.
Keep cardio light and schedule recovery days. Progress each week by adding a few more minutes to each workout.
8. You can't afford a gym membership
There's no reason you have to join a gym to exercise. You can walk or do yoga anytime, anywhere.
There are also an incredible number of workout videos available for the home exerciser.
7. You're not seeing any changes in your body
Not losing weight fast enough? Once you start exercising, give your body time to react. It could take up to 12 weeks before you start seeing some real changes in your body. In the meantime, try to enjoy the other benefits of exercise such as better moods, better sleep, more energy, and a more positive outlook.
6. You don't know how to exercise.
Try one of the many exercise books, DVD's, or websites that cover everything from cardio to stretching exercises. Hire a personal trainer at a gym if you want to learn more about exercises that will help you lose weight or gain strength
5. You want to exercise but you have to take care of your family.
You don't have to neglect your family to fit in exercise. Join a health club that has a daycare center or do a video while they nap. ^Take them with you on your daily walk. Show your family what it means to be healthy by giving them a good role model.
4. You can't seem to stay motivated to continue working out.
To combat boredom, change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks by trying something new or changing your intensity or time.
Remind yourself every day what your goals are and what you have to do to reach them. Reward yourself often (massages make great gifts).
3. Exercise HURTS!
You don't have to hurt yourself to reap the benefits of exercise. When doing your cardiovascular exercise, make sure you're in your target heart zone. You should be able to carry on a conversation, not huffing and puffing. Yoga should never hurt! If it does, stop immediately.
2. You can't make the commitment to stick to an exercise routine.
Start small - walk or lift weights. Over time, you can increase your workout time and try new things. For now, try making it a daily habit.
1. You don't have time!
Physically inactive people have just as much free time as exercisers, so you can chuck this excuse! Here's how to get past a busy schedule:
Schedule your exercise time. Start with 15 minutes a day. Exercise helps you have more, and the more energy you have, the more you'll get done each day.
Take good care of your body and it will take care of you.
Shoulder Stretches
Standing Side Stretch
Wrist Bending
Yoga Exercise - Final Corpse
Some Sound Advice for Taking Care of Ourselves
Avoid heavy food.
Be moderate in the drinking of wine.
Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics.
Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water.
Change surroundings and take long journeys.
Strictly avoid frightening ideas.
Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements.
Listen to music.
~A. Cornelius Celsus
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Elementary Students relax for FCAT
Mary Commins, a third grade teacher wanted her students to feel comfortable while taking the FCAT this week. In order to help them remember some strategies they could use if they did begin to feel anxious, she asked them to make name tags including the acronym R.O.C.K. The letters of R.O.C.K. stand for Relaxing, Oxygen, Calm, and Kind. The acronym was introduced by certified yoga teacher, Vickie Reedy, who taught yoga poses and relaxation techniques at Dommerich to third-grade classes during the month of February.
Reedy wanted something students could remember and feel ownership in so she let them each choose a special rock and taught them to remember to R.O.C.K - relax, breathe oxygen, calm themselves, and use kind words before and during the test. Students will keep their rocks in their desks, knowing they are near to help remind them of these self-calming strategies. “By managing our breathing, we are able control our reactions to anxiety – this is critical in test-taking,” stresses Mrs. Reedy.
Sally Crumley, Dommerich CHILL Counselor, recommended students practice deep breathing by taking a deep breath slowly and quietly, without disturbing neighbors, holding the breath by counting slowly to five and releasing the breath slowing through the mouth. She also stressed the importance of teaching children to choose positive self talk during stressful times. “I’ve studied and I can do it!” is one phrase a child might employ to help them stay calm and problem-solve.
Rachel Stanakis, a third-grader, thinks she and her classmates are ready for the test. “We have been preparing for the test with lots of practice and we are going to do our best!”
Fellow student Chris Turo agrees, adding, “The yoga and breathing we learned are going to help us not get stressed-out and keep us calm.” Cody Davis echoed him saying he thought the deep breathing would help keep his mind clear and focused.
Mary Commins believes parents can help by reminding their children to practice some of these relaxation techniques at home and reviewing with their child the students’ circle maps made the week before FCATs. The children brainstormed together in class all the “Reasons Why I Will Be Successful on the FCAT’s” and made their own personal circle map on neon colored paper to keep for the test.
“The beautiful thing about our making this circle map was that within minutes of brainstorming it was filled with reasons like ‘We practice yoga stretching to get our brains working’, ‘We use everything we have learned from pre-k to 3rd grade’, ‘We have practiced lots of reading and math strategies everyday’, and ‘We use relaxing breathing to help us not get stressed’.
“Putting the children in a positive frame of mind gives them that boost they need to help each child be successful!”